The following story consists of a brief journey through Nieves’ life from birth to the present. It begins by describing her childhood and experiences. To conclude the story, Nieves narrates what her life is like today without her husband.
This is the story of José, Rita’s grandfather, a simple man who never went to school. A poor boy who grew up without his parents and always felt rejected. Rita, a young successful woman, wears her grandfather’s silver bracelet engraved with his name and always looks up at him as an example of a good, hardworking and loving man, from who she has learned a lot.
The story presents the days of my grandmother, spent at the tailoring school in Brașov, Romania. But a story presented in more detail is the meeting of her and Maria with two bears which came to steal honey from the city center. The main theme of the story is violence against animals, which still exists today.